How to use the Google Cardboard viewer from New York Times

How to use the Google Cardboard viewer from New York Times

A couple of weekends ago, subscribers to the New York times received something bundled along with their newspaper, called the Google Cardboard.
(Watch the video below to see how to set it up)

To get the viewer to work with your phone, your phone must be big enough. If you have an iPhone, you need to have an iPhone 6/6s or later, and if you have an Android phone, you need to have a phone that is running Android 4.1 or later and that has a 5 inch screen or bigger. But, if you have a phone that has a screen bigger than six inches, it will not work with the Google Cardboard viewer.

Starting off, you will need to download at least two apps, and more if you want to do more things with virtual reality. The first app that you will need to install is the Cardboard app by Google. Once that app is installed, open it, and it will prompt you to set up the viewer, and all you need to do is scan the code on the bottom of the viewer and it will automatically set up the app for your viewer. After you have set up your viewer, there will be some demos built into the app, but you are probably going to want to do a bit more with virtual reality.

The next app that you need to install is one made by the New York Times. Fo on the app store that you use and search for “NYT VR”. It should be set up already for your viewer, so all you have to do is click on the video that you wish to watch. Once you have selected a video, put your phone into the Cardboard viewer without a case and look at the side of the viewer with the lenses. There should be a white or grey line on the screen of your phone. Just line it up with the notch in the bottom of the viewer and then look through the lenses to watch the video. (Move your head to look around)

Once you are done with the New York Times virtual reality app, there are a lot more apps compatible with Google Cardboard. If you have the YouTube app, search for 360 degree videos, and when you find one, click the little VR button in the top right corner. Another great virtual reality compatible app is Google’s Street View app. It is just like Street View on the computer, except for the fact that you can use it with virtual reality. Overall, the quality of the pictures taken by Google is good, but in some areas, they can be a bit fuzzy, which really stands out when you are less than six inches away from the screen.

7 thoughts on “How to use the Google Cardboard viewer from New York Times

  1. Hey, this has no relation to your post, sorry about that, but I was wondering if you could help me solve something or if you know of the answer to the problem. My laptop has twice now given me an odd blue screen “of death”, something that I have never seen before and I cannot find it online. This blue screen does not take up the whole screen and restarts after going away without allowing me to read it all. Do you have any knowledge of what this might be? My uncle believes it is a driver issue, this problem has only occurred when I am watching a video of any kind of player. Thank you for reading this.


    1. If it only happens when you are doing something related to videos, it probably does have something to do with drivers. Try searching for video card driver updates for the laptop model that you have… If it’s your laptop is an older laptop, it could be a sign of the hard drive failing, in which case you would probably hear some sort of clicking sound when doing something like downloading a file. But if you don’t hear that, it’s probably the driver thing, which you should be able to solve just by updating them, which you can do by searching for an updated version.


      1. I have done my searching, its not just the videos, I had recently acquired a mouse that my uncle had no idea where it came from, and had some issues with installing at first, someone else has had this issue with the mouse, so I am giving it a rest for now, I won’t really be able to tell if it was truly the issue until I get another screen and get a good look at the message, but thank you for responding


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